The University of Alabama does accept military transcripts, during the application process please submit your Joint Service Transcript or your Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Transcript sent to The University of Alabama Registrar’s Office.
For more information please contact The University of Alabama Registrar’s office.
VA Educational Benefits Requirements
Requirements for initial and continued approval for VA education benefits: prior credit, matriculated vs non-matriculated. Information received from Alabama State Approving Agency on 6/15/2021.
Prior Credit Evaluations Requirements
- All approved facilities must maintain a written record of the previous education and training of the veteran or eligible person and clearly indicates that appropriate credit has been given for previous education and training, with the training period shortened proportionately and the eligible person so notified [38 CFR 21.4254(c)(4); 4253(d)(3)].
- Institutions must provide to duly authorized representatives of the Government records of previous education or training of veterans, reservists, and eligible persons at the time of admission as students and records of advance credit granted by the educational institution at the time of admission [38 CFR 21.4209(b)(2)].
Matriculated vs. Non-Matriculated Requirements
- Matriculation is when a student has been formally admitted to a college or university as a degree-seeking student [38 CFR 21.4252(l)]
- Non-matriculated students may be approved for VA funding only if the veteran or eligible person matriculates during the first two terms, quarters, or semesters following his/her admission [38 CFR 21.4252(l)(1) and 4252(l)(D) and (l)(C)]
- Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent a state approving agency from including more restrictive matriculation requirements in its approval criteria {38 CFR 21.4252(l)(5)}
In Summary for Alabama Approved Schools
Evaluation of all prior credit is not optional for VA funding. Schools must require students to disclose all prior training. Evaluations of all prior transcripts with credit applied appropriately must be completed prior to first certification of UA education benefits.
Exception: if transcript is unavailable due to no fault of the student (debt to school, etc.), document the unavailability of the transcript and proceed with certifications
VA students are not allowed to receive VA educational benefits for courses in which they have earned credit.
VA students are not allowed to repeat courses in which they have a passing grade unless a higher grade is required to pursue their course of study.
Certifying enrollment prior to evaluating all prior credit could result in VA overpayment to school and student.